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    Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes


    Numero di messaggi : 1046
    Data d'iscrizione : 29.08.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes

    Messaggio  michele Ven Lug 17, 2009 10:39 pm


    Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes - Pagina 2 Hurricanef12

    Numero di messaggi : 1046
    Data d'iscrizione : 29.08.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes

    Messaggio  michele Ven Lug 17, 2009 10:39 pm


    (1) Open the throttle slowly to the gate, or fully if full take-off boost is necessary.

    (2) Any tendency to swing can be counteracted by the rudder.
    When fitted with 2 x 5O0 lb. bombs the tendency to swing left is slightly more pronounced.

    (3) After raising the undercarriage return the selector lever to neutral, and re-trim nose heavy.

    (4) Do not start to climb before a speed of 14O mph IAS is attained.

    Numero di messaggi : 1046
    Data d'iscrizione : 29.08.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes

    Messaggio  michele Ven Lug 17, 2009 10:42 pm


    Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes - Pagina 2 Hurricanef13

    Change to S ratio when the boost has fallen by 5 lb/
    At full load 155 mph IAS is the most comfortable climbing speed.
    Considerable surging may be experienced above 8,000 feet on aircraft on which the air intake duct has been removed.

    (2)When fitted with 2 x 90-gallon drop tanks the aircraft are longitudinally unstable on the climb.

    (3)When fitted with 2 x 500 lb. bombs there is a similar tendency to pitch if the rudder is not held steady.

    (4)The fuel tank pressure control should normally be kept to ATMOSPHERE (except when required to supply fuel from the drop tanks), but should be turned on (PRESSURE) if the fuel pressure warning light comes on.

    Numero di messaggi : 1046
    Data d'iscrizione : 29.08.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes

    Messaggio  michele Ven Lug 17, 2009 10:43 pm


    The aircraft are normally just stable longitudinally, but when carrying 90-gallon drop tanks, or R. P. and one 90-gallon drop tank, they become unstable longitudinally and, in the first case, 190 mph IAS is the minimum comfortable flying speed.
    In conditions of absolute calm this can be reduced to 180 mph IAS.
    When carrying bombs, R.P. ,or containers, longitudinal stability is unaffected.

    (2) Change of trim:
    Undercarriage down - Nose slightly down
    Flaps down - Nose down

    (3) In steep turns there is a tendency to tighten up.

    (4) In bad visibility near the ground, flaps should be lowered to about 40° (3 divisions) and the propeller speed control set to give 2,650 rpm.
    Speed may then be reduced to about 110 mph IAS.
    The radiator shutter must be opened to keep the temperature at about 1OO°C.

    Numero di messaggi : 1046
    Data d'iscrizione : 29.08.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes

    Messaggio  michele Ven Lug 17, 2009 10:44 pm


    Climb at 2,850 rpm and +9 lb/ boost at the speeds recommended for maximum rate of climb.

    For maximum range fly in M ratio and at maximum obtainable boost not exceeding +4 lb/
    and reduce speed by reducing rpm while may be as low as 1,800 but check that the generator is charging.
    On some early aircraft it will not do so at below 2,000 rpm.
    If at 1,800 rpm (or 2,000 if necessary) the speed is higher than that recommended, reduce boost.
    S ratio should only be used if at 2,600 rpm the recommended speed cannot be obtained in M ratio.

    (3) The recommended speeds (mph IAS) for maximum range are:
    Standard aircraft: 160
    When fitted with 2 x 44 or 45 gal. tanks: 160
    When fitted with 2 x 90 gal. tanks : 170 or as near as possible
    When fitted with 2 x 250 lb. bombs : 170
    When fitted with 2 x 500 lb. bombs : 180

    Below 5,000 feet these speeds should be increased by about 10 mph.

    Numero di messaggi : 1046
    Data d'iscrizione : 29.08.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes

    Messaggio  michele Ven Lug 17, 2009 10:45 pm


    (1) At the stall one wing usually drops sharply, often over the vertical, with flaps either up or down.
    (2 ) The average stalling speeds (mph IAS) for the aircraft at various AUW (from 7,600 lbs to 9,2OO lbs. ) are:
    Undercarriage and flaps UP: 80-90
    Undercarriage and flaps DONW: 60-75

    The speeds for individual aircraft may vary by 5 mph.


    (1) Spinning of Mk. IID and Mk IV aircraft is prohibited at all times.

    (2) On Mk IIA, B and C aircraft spinning is prohibited when carrying 90-gallon drop tanks, bombe, S. C. I. or R. P.

    (3) Recovery is normal, but the loss of height involved in recovery may be very great and the following limits are to be observed:
    - - -(a) Spins are not to be started below 10.000 feet.
    - - -(b) Recovery is to be initiated before two turns are completed.

    (4) A speed of 150 mph IAS should be attained before starting to ease out of the resultant dive.

    Numero di messaggi : 1046
    Data d'iscrizione : 29.08.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes

    Messaggio  michele Sab Lug 18, 2009 10:16 pm


    The following speeds are recommended:
    Loop : at least 280 mph IAS
    Roll : 220 - 260 mph IAS
    Half roll off loop : at least 300 mph IAS
    Upward roll : 300 mph IAS

    (1)Speed builds up slowly in the dive and the aircraft becomes tail heavy as the speed increases.
    The elevator trimming tabs should be used with care.
    (2)Care should be taken not to allow the aircraft to yaw to the right, as this produces a marked nose-down pitching tendency.
    (3)If fitted with bombs, S.C.I. or containers, the aircraft should be eased out of the dive gently.
    If fitted with drop tanks it should not be dived.

    Numero di messaggi : 1046
    Data d'iscrizione : 29.08.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes

    Messaggio  michele Sab Lug 18, 2009 10:17 pm


    (1) Cheek brake pressure (100 lbs/ min.)
    (2) Reduce speed to 120 mph IAS and check that cockpit hood is locked open.

    U - undercarriage - DOWN ( check green lights)
    P - Propeller control - Fully forward
    Super charger control - MODERATE
    F - Flaps – Down

    Numero di messaggi : 1046
    Data d'iscrizione : 29.08.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes

    Messaggio  michele Sab Lug 18, 2009 10:18 pm


    Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes - Pagina 2 Hurricanef14

    Note: If carrying drop tanks, bombs, or R.P. the normal engine assisted approach should
    be made at about 110 mph IAS.

    The lever should have been left in neutral, but if it has been left in the UP position, be careful to disengage the thumb catch by easing the selector lever forward before trying to move it to the DOWN position, otherwise the lever may become jammed.
    Return the lever to neutral as soon as the undercarriage is down.

    If 120 mph IAS is exceeded with the flaps fully down, they will be partially raised by the airflow.
    They will automatically move to the fully down position when speed is reduced sufficiently,provided that the selector lever is left at DOWN.

    Landing with R.P.
    Only on one wing should be made at as high a speed as possible and care must be taken to counteract dropping of the wing.

    Numero di messaggi : 1046
    Data d'iscrizione : 29.08.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Hurricane IIC - Pilot’s notes

    Messaggio  michele Sab Lug 18, 2009 10:19 pm


    (1) Raise the undercarriage immediately.
    (2)Climb at about 90 mph IAS.
    (3) Raise the flaps at a safe height of about 200-300 feet, at a speed of not less than 120 mph IAS.
    (4) With one 500 lb. bomb stuck up open the throttle slowly and speed on the initial climb should be 110 mph IAS before raising flaps at 120 mph IAS.


    (1)Raise the flaps before taxying.
    (2)To stop the engine, idle for 1 minute at 800-900 rpm, then pull the slow-running cut-out and hold it out until the engine stops.
    (3)Turn OFF the fuel cock and switch OFF the ignition.
    (4)Check that the hydraulic selector safety plate is covering the WHEELS UP position.
    (5)Oil dilution The correct dilution period for these aircraft is:
    Atmospheric temperature above -10°C: 1 minute
    Atmospheric temperature below -10°C: 2 minutes

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