The aviation industry in the Soviet Union was organised very differently to that of the West with the government essentially the producer and consumer, different ministries controlled almost every aspect of the industry The Ministry of Aviation Industry was responsible for everything to do with the design and production of aircraft, aero engines and components, and the Ministry of Defence plus tbe Ministry of Civil Aviation were' responsible foi the operation of these aircraft, and for aerodromes and maintenance facilities.
Thus, while the ministries maintained contact as necessary between each other, at lower levels this was not usual, sometimes even within die same ministries.
The Aviation Industry was divided into several specialist categories. Highest amongst these were the design bureaux, from where the ideas were developed into reality.
Each bureau had its own specialist workshop where it produced one, or sometimes two,
The prototypes were test-flown by the bureau and by a specialist government research and
test facility.
If all went well, then the bureau would pass over production drawings to a production factory
and send a team to the factory to ensure that any problems were solved;
while it kept an eye on the program, there were no commercial links with the factory or the operator.
Ultima modifica di daniele il Mar Mar 05, 2013 11:08 pm - modificato 1 volta.