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    MiG - Fifty years of secret aircraft design

    M 0.5
    M 0.5

    Numero di messaggi : 500
    Data d'iscrizione : 18.09.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    MiG - Fifty years of secret aircraft design Empty MiG - Fifty years of secret aircraft design

    Messaggio  Green_Group Mer Ott 29, 2008 12:18 am

    MiG - Fifty years of secret aircraft design Titel50YearsOfSecretAcDesign

    - Filled with hundreds of photographs and line drawings.
    - Tells for the first time in Engish the story behind Russian’s most secret fighter design bureau
    - Written by the longtime head of the bureau with an international aviation expert specializing in Russian aircraft.
    - Presents the most current MiG designs within the context of every version since 1941
    - Documents a half-century of landmark technical progress in aviation history
    - Relates the global circumstances that spawned the MiG enterprise and how it grew into a formidable cold war opponent for the United States.
    The West’s first look at this secret Russian design bureau describes every MIG version since 1941, including today’s front-line models.
    Details the mistakes and dead ends as well as the innovations and triumphs.
    496 pgs., 334 photos, 6"x9"

      La data/ora di oggi è Mer Gen 15, 2025 8:54 pm