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    Patrouille Ecco

    M 0.3
    M 0.3

    Numero di messaggi : 387
    Data d'iscrizione : 18.09.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    Patrouille Ecco Empty Patrouille Ecco

    Messaggio  White_Group Dom Nov 09, 2008 5:53 pm

    Patrouille Ecco Mkreeccofig2lu4
    Jacques Bothelin, the team's leader, originally began performing in airshows in 1980 with French-designed Cap 10 aircraft.
    In 1982 he progressed onto flying a team of three SIAI-Marchetti SF260s, which were sponsored by Martini.
    The team were called 'Patrouille Martini' (Patrouille meaning 'Patrol' or 'Team' in English).
    Also at this time, Jacques Bothelin established Apache Aviation at the team's Darois home base to handle the operational aspects of running a full-time aerobatic team.
    The Martini Team flew for five years with the SF260s, before the team took delivery of the Swiss-manufactured Pilatus PC-7 Turbotrainer in 1988.
    M 0.3
    M 0.3

    Numero di messaggi : 387
    Data d'iscrizione : 18.09.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    Patrouille Ecco Empty Re: Patrouille Ecco

    Messaggio  White_Group Dom Nov 09, 2008 5:53 pm

    Patrouille Ecco Mkreeccofig1dc2
    In 1990 new regulations were introduced in France banning the advertising of alcohol, meaning Martini had to withdraw from the sponsorship.
    Ecco, a temporary employment agency, stepped into the breach and the team were renamed 'Patrouille Ecco' in time for the 1991 season, with the team's colours changing from the Martini white to Ecco green and white.
    At this time, a fourth PC-7 was added to the team.
    During the 1990s Team Ecco displayed at numerous airshows around Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, becoming favourites wherever they appeared.
    M 0.3
    M 0.3

    Numero di messaggi : 387
    Data d'iscrizione : 18.09.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    Patrouille Ecco Empty Re: Patrouille Ecco

    Messaggio  White_Group Dom Nov 09, 2008 5:54 pm

    Patrouille Ecco 0552458
    In 1997 Ecco merged with a Swiss firm, Adia, forming Adecco - and with this the team's name changed again to 'Patrouille Adecco', with the team's colours shifting to the corporate Adecco red-and-white.
    In 1998 the team suffered a setback when Adecco pulled out of its sponsorship.
    Consequently, Jacques Bothelin and Philippe Laloix flew during 1999-2001 with two PC-7s as "Les Apaches", the name being derived from the Apache Aviation firm.
    In late 2001 the Algerian company, Khalifa, offered to sponsor Apache Aviation.
    The result was that the PC-7s were sold and the L-39 jets arrived as their replacement.
    M 0.3
    M 0.3

    Numero di messaggi : 387
    Data d'iscrizione : 18.09.08
    Località : Reggio Emilia

    Patrouille Ecco Empty Re: Patrouille Ecco

    Messaggio  White_Group Dom Nov 09, 2008 5:54 pm

    The new team were known as the "Khalifa Jet Team", and the team were launched in March 2002 prior to making their debut displays in May 2002.
    Over the summer of 2002 the team worked up from an initial two-ship formation to a full four-aircraft team.
    Over the course of 2002 the team appeared at no fewer than 43 events in six European countries.

    Patrouille Ecco 0843258

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    Patrouille Ecco Empty Re: Patrouille Ecco

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