michele Mar Giu 23, 2009 11:16 pm
PRELIMINARIESOn entering the cockpit check the following:
Undercarriage lever - DOWN
( Check that indicator shows DOWN; switch on light indicator and check that green lights apper)
Flaps – UP
Landing Lamps - UP
Contents of lower fuel tank
Trottle – ½ inch open
Mixture control – RICH
Propeller speed control – Fully back (D.H.20) or fully forward (Rotol 35 or D.H. Hydromatic)
Radiator Shutter – OPEN
(a) High volatility fuel should be used if possible for priming at air temperatures below freezing.
Work the priming pump until suction and delivery pipes are full;
This may be judged by a sudden increase is resistance.
(b) Switch on the ignition and starting magneto and press the starter and booster coil buttons.
Turning periods must not exceed 20 sec., with a 30 sec wait between each.
Work the priming pump as rapidly and as vigorously as possible while the engine is being turned, and it should start after the following number of strokes.
![Spitfire V – Pilot's notes I420518_SpitfireVF3](https://2img.net/h/immagini.p2pforum.it/out.php/i420518_SpitfireVF3.PNG)
(c) At temperatures below freezing it will probably be necessary to continue priming after the engine has fired and until it picks up on the carburetor.
(d) When the engine is running satisfactorily release the booster coil button, or switch off the starting magneto , and screw down the priming pump.
(e) Run the engine as slowly as possible for half a minute, then warm up at a fast tick-over.
(f) If fitted with a D.H 20 C-S propeller, move the speed control slowly full forward when the engine has been running for a minute or more.